If you have reached this page, it is likely due to scanning a QR code on a lens that has undergone our rehousing process. This page is intended to clarify why certain features of our rehoused lenses may not align with standard industry practices.
During the rehousing process, there have been instances where we were required to follow specific guidelines provided by clients, even if those guidelines were not aligned with typical industry standards. In some cases, these requests were made for marketing purposes. For example, some clients requested the marking of f-stops instead of the industry-preferred T-stop values, or insisted on indicating a lower T-stop value than what was actually measured.
In the earlier stages of our operations, we did not have policies in place to prevent such deviations, which has resulted in certain lenses displaying information that does not conform to standard practices. Please be assured that we are aware of these discrepancies. However, in these cases, we were obligated to adhere to the client’s requests despite the inaccuracies.
If you are a lens technician working on a rehoused lens and are seeking clarification on any non-standard features, this page aims to provide the necessary explanations. If you are the owner of a lens and wish to address these issues, please contact us. We will make every effort to correct any inaccuracies.